Get Rantir Cloud
One Monthly Price. Unlimited Automations.
Unlimited AI apps.
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Install Rantir Cloud with our flexible pricing plans that streamline your operations. Onboard the AI Agent train.
View Cloud Plans for Storage & More
Rantir Cloud Suite All Access
Per team/per month, with 10 GB of data and storage
Everything in Free, and:
Host up to around 4-5 Applications
Advanced user roles
Unlimited AI applications & workflows
Custom onboarding & Customer management
Advanced integrations
International capabilities
Team & Custom Workflows
Custom Workflows & Template, Discovery call and lite-development and custom integration (billed per month).
Everything in Professional, and:
Unlimited Workflows
Custom integration services
Custom Development for Workflows
Advanced ERP integration capabilities
Includes open-source AI LLMS
Custom Fine-tuning & data logic
Dev Ops or integration customization
Dedicated premium support
Embed AI Chat or custom gated AI portals
Voice and Session Storage (100 monthly calls)
Website & Product Development (10 Hours)
Custom Workflow & Development
Custom Workflows, Templates Design & Development with Slack Support
Everything in Professional, and:
Host up to around 20+ Applications
Custom integration services
Custom Development for Workflows
Advanced ERP integration capabilities
Includes open-source AI LLMS
Custom Fine-tuning & data logic
Dev Ops or integration customization
Slack Connection with team task board
Embed AI Chat or custom gated AI portals
Website & Product Development (20 Hours)
Development Customization and embeddings
Reporting and operational monthly call
Voice and Session Storage (100 monthly calls)
Compare features across plans
Rantir Cloud
Rantir Cloud AI Application & Automation platform
Get access to generate dashboards, websites or content
Chat to Explore Data
Custom Develop integrations
Chat to Transform Data
Direct or Enterprise application connections
Webflow, Wix or Wordpress
+ Acumatica, Microsoft, Netsuite & Sage
+ Oracle & Workday
Rules to automate AI
Custom Integrations
Build & Share Live Reports
Train Classification Models
Train Time Series Forecasts
"I highly recommend Rantir, they are a great dev team with quick turn around on all projects and requests. We recently worked with them on updating our website and any changes, updates or modifications I needed were always taken care of quickly!"
Paige J, VP of Marketing, Heavy AI